BEANS is a mock coffee shop with roots in Hawaii. It's based on my love of coffee and my extended family who live in Oahu, HI. This website was created using HTML & CSS. With the exception of 2 images, everything else has either been designed or shot by me. 
View my website: 
*Preview made on Adobe XD, NOT a purchased domain
Captions are programs used to create image.
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Lightroom
*IMAGE NOT MINE* Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator for windows & back wall
*IMAGE NOT MINE* Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator for windows & back wall
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